70% Spooky Sale!🎃
Comics ($5 per panel)
1. The way comics work is script based.
You send me a script of what you'd like illustrated and I'll send you a sketch of the page.2. Whole comic pages are roughly 10 panels per page, so more complex scripts will require more panels.3. I will be in contact with you and actively provide sketches of the page so we can adjust the amount of panels together.4. I will always have the most important storypoints on the page. The rest is filler so the comics story flows smoother. I will not charge you extra for the fillers as it's something I choose to add on my own._! I will not work on long projects that span several pages.
! I will not write the script for you. You need to know what you want.
Character reference sheet $20 $6
-color swatch
-front and back view
-alternative clothing/form
-accessories/closeup details
-expression examples